- Internet Needs
What's the first steps in creating your Internet thing? What's the difference between a web site and a web app?
Some of the questions I answer most often...
Vocal work
While I do a lot of programming work now, my college certificate was for Electronic Communications (broadcasting).
I took paid announcing positions at radio stations KDUO, KFXM and KNTF in Southern California. I also did some copy writing and segment production.
I still do occasional voice work - for small institutional, educational or entertainment projects. I'm also a ham.
Here are some examples:
- Podcast Intro
30 second intro spec for my oncologist friend.
- Pituey.com Radio
A labor of love, this is a non profit dedicated to the promotion of South Bay living and local talent.
- Benefits
Benefits training slide audio
- DAN Radio Sample
Abridged version of a streaming workplace radio feed demo: "DaVita Audio Network"
- State of Idaho
Voice work for the state's new minor tobacco access law DVD.
- Obesity
Obesity training slide audio
- Hollywood Skank Ho
Soundtrack for a farcical educational filmstrip - on how "nice girls" might gain greater notoriety.
- Turn Off Your Pagers?
A tongue in cheek digression from the standard announcement.
- Brother's Birthday
Right out of a cheesy Vegas lounge...