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AKH Online, Inc

Accomplished Internauts

Anxiety in the I.T. Department
Mass Anxiety in the I.T. Department

I'm not a doctor, but I played one once. That means I totally know what I'm talking about...

ExamWeb LLC

ExamWeb LLC, Irvine CA         


Sr. Developer


  • Web based Learning Management System (LMS) to help healthcare providers prepare for USMLE certification tests.
  • Hands-on programming. Direct client interaction.
  • Upgrade eCommerce payment gateway systems, Verisign (PayPal) PayFlow™ and SecureTrading™ (UK).
  • Consolidate disparate code and reduce server load requirements resulting in over $36K annual savings in hosting fees.
  • Enhance graphic design of testing portal pages to match client's own corporate stylesheet.
  • Coded new products to provide scheduled reminders and boost income by subscription extensions.
  • Improved existing ColdFusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.

HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, ColdFusion 7, SQL-Server 2005, SVN, PayPal Payflow Pro, Secure Trading, CFReportBuilder


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